Post Natal Strength & Fitness & Post Natal Pilates.


We understand

As a mum to Arthur & Poppy I totally understand the desire to make you body feel more you own after having a baby. I didn’t find pregnancy very fun either time, constantly sick, I hated gaining weight, and my lower back was always troubling me but after a miscarriage appreciated how lucky I was to be carrying my little ones. Once they had arrived I was really keen to feel fitter and healthier but realised its almost impossible to fit in at home with everything else that needs doing.

I have been running Post Natal Fitness and Post Natal Pilates classes for 7 years, its a big part of what we do at Rebalance. I’ve found it to be such an important class for lots of mums in York just trying to catch 45 minutes for themselves once or twice a week.

To make sure I can take care of all the mummies attending I have limits on numbers attending. Our sessions are

Monday 11.15am Post Natal Fitness with Lucy

Thursday 11.15am Post Natal Pilates with Lucy

Friday 11.15am Post Natal Fitness with Lucy

1 class a week x 4 weeks = £32

1 x months full access = £53


Class times:

Monday 11.15am Fitness

Tuesday 11.15am Post Natal Yoga

Thursday 11.15am Post Natal Pilates - Waitlist only

Friday 11.15am Fitness.

What to Expect

Taught by myself and Katilin we adapt all our classes from diastasis recti work to lower back issues. Healthy mums can attend our classes from 6 week post partum, after being cleared by their health visitor. We are here to help and support you back to fitness safety. Your little one sits close by to you whilst you work, we have lots of bouncy chairs and play mats.

Screamers are welcome.…believe me I’m used to it.

You can attend block pass or on a monthly pass. Any questions are welcome, just message using the contact form or call the studio directly. I look forward to seeing you and your little one in class.

Lucy x
